
Настоящий Орден феникса: чем примечательна бельгийская пивоварня Grimbergen

Настоящий Орден феникса: чем примечательна бельгийская пивоварня Grimbergen

Можно ли совмещать монашескую жизнь и варить пиво?

Grimbergen: Legacy

Credits: https://bit.ly/2GIhX1w
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Ну, наконец то))) Тёмное пиво. Grimbergen, Kozel, Fortuna.

Отпуск Ричарда – немного о хорватском пиве. Темное пиво – теория. Дегустация Kozel, Fortuna, Grimbergen. Отзывы и оценки. Благодарность)

И табличка с оценками: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14o0j7Ea6qa3WejUv7iypwPy_hz_SJwZDrCTJzkj1Cy0/edit?usp=sharing

Пиво Гримберген Блонд #beerchannel

The Magic Of Grimbergen Beer – Grimbergen Abbey Brewery

The state-of-the-art Grimbergen Abbey Brewery will bring brewing back to where it all started when
the abbey was founded nearly 900 years ago.

It’s also the first time in 200 years that beers have been
brewed inside the walls of the abbey, with beer-making ceasing after the building was destroyed
during the French Revolution.

The Abbey Brewery will serve as an innovation hub, combining brewing traditions drawn from the ancient books of the abbey’s library with new and innovative techniques to craft unique limited-edition
batches of exceptional premium beers.

Read more on www.grimbergen.com

#grimbergen #grimbergenabbeybrewery

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